Will the use of glufosinate-ammonium harm the roots of fruit trees?

Glufosinate-ammonium is a broad-spectrum contact herbicide with good control effect.


Does glufosinate damage the roots of fruit trees?

1. After spraying, glufosinate-ammonium is mainly absorbed into the interior of the plant through the stems and leaves of the plant, and then conducted in the xylem of the plant through the transpiration of the plant.

2. After glufosinate-ammonium comes into contact with the soil, it will be quickly decomposed by the microorganisms in the soil to generate carbon dioxide, 3-propionic acid and 2-acetic acid, which will lose its proper medicinal effect, so the roots of the plants will basically not be able to absorb glufosinate-ammonium phosphine.


What happens when glufosinate hits the roots of fruit trees

Glufosinate will not kill the tree roots. Glufosinate is a glutamine synthesis inhibitor, belongs to phosphonic acid herbicides, and is a non-selective contact herbicide. It is mainly used to control monocot and dicotyledonous weeds. It only transfers in the leaves, so it has no effect on the roots of trees. big impact.


Is glufosinate harmful to fruit trees?

Glufosinate is not harmful to fruit trees. Since glufosinate-ammonium can be degraded by soil microorganisms, it cannot be absorbed by the root system or absorbs very little. It can be leached in most soils within 15 cm, which is relatively safe and suitable for papaya, banana, citrus and other orchards.

Glufosinate-ammonium will not cause yellowing and aging of fruit trees, will not cause flower and fruit drop, and has less negative effects on fruit trees.


Is glufosinate harmful to orchard soil?

Glufosinate-ammonium is rapidly decomposed by microorganisms in the soil after it comes into contact with the soil, so it will have a certain impact on some microorganisms in the soil.

According to research, when the application rate of glufosinate was 6l/ha, the total amount of microorganisms reached a higher level, and the number of bacteria and actinomycetes increased compared with the number of bacteria and actinomycetes in the land without glufosinate , while the number of fungi did not change significantly.
