Paclobutrazol, uniconazole, Mepiquat chloride, Chlormequat, the differences and applications of four growth regulators

Common characteristics of the four
Paclobutrazol, uniconazole, Mepiquat chloride, and Chlormequat all belong to the category of plant growth regulators. After use, they can regulate plant growth, inhibit plant vegetative growth (the growth of above-ground parts such as stems, leaves, branches, etc.), and promote reproductive growth (fruits, stems, etc. Elongation of the underground part), preventing the plant from growing vigorously and leggy, and playing the role of dwarfing the plant, shortening the internodes, and improving stress resistance.
It can make crops have more flowers, more fruits, more tillers, more pods, and more branches, increase chlorophyll content, improve photosynthesis efficiency, and have a very good effect of controlling growth and increasing yield. At the same time, all four can be absorbed by plant roots, stems and leaves, but using too high or excessive concentrations will have adverse effects on plant growth, so special attention should be paid.
Differences between the four

Paclobutrazol (1) Paclobutrazol (2) Bifenthrin 10 SC (1)

Paclobutrazol is undoubtedly the most commonly used, widely used, and largest-selling triazole plant growth regulator on the market.It is an inhibitor synthesized from endogenous gibberellins. It can slow down the growth rate of plants, control the top advantage of stems, promote the differentiation of tillers and flower buds, preserve flowers and fruits, promote root development, enhance photosynthetic efficiency, and improve stress resistance. It has very good effects on sex, etc.

At the same time, because it was first developed as a crop fungicide, it also has certain bactericidal and weeding effects, and has very good control effects on powdery mildew, fusarium wilt, anthracnose, rapeseed sclerotinia, etc.

Paclobutrazol can be widely used in most field crops, cash crops and fruit tree crops, such as rice, wheat, corn, rape, soybean, cotton, peanut, potato, apple, citrus, cherry, mango, lychee, peach, pear, tobacco, etc. . Among them, field crops and commercial crops are mostly used for spraying in the seedling stage and before and after the flowering stage. Fruit trees are mostly used to control the crown shape and inhibit new growth. It can be sprayed, flushed or irrigated. It has an extremely significant effect on rapeseed and rice seedlings.
Features: wide application range, good growth control effect, long efficacy, good biological activity, easy to cause soil residues, which will affect the growth of the next crop, and is not suitable for long-term continuous use. For plots where Paclobutrazol is used, it is best to till the soil before planting the next crop.


HTB1wlUePXXXXXXFXFXXq6xXFXXXBChemical-in-plant-growth-regulator-Uniconazole-95 HTB13XzSPXXXXXaMaXXXq6xXFXXXkChemical-in-plant-growth-regulator-Uniconazole-95 HTB13JDRPXXXXXa2aXXXq6xXFXXXVChemical-in-plant-growth-regulator-Uniconazole-95
Uniconazole can be said to be an upgraded version of Paclobutrazol, and its usage and uses are roughly the same as Paclobutrazol.
However, because uniconazole is a carbon double bond, its biological activity and medicinal effect are 6-10 times and 4-10 times higher than that of Paclobutrazol respectively. Its soil residue is only 1/5-1/3 of Paclobutrazol, and its medicinal effect is The decay rate is faster (Paclobutrazol remains in the soil for more than half a year), and its impact on subsequent crops is only 1/5 of Paclobutrazol.
Therefore, compared with Paclobutrazol, uniconazole has a stronger control and bactericidal effect on crops and is safer to use.
Features: strong efficacy, low residue, and high safety factor. At the same time, because uniconazole is very powerful, it is not suitable for use in the seedling stage of most vegetables (Mepiquat chloride can be used), and it can easily affect the growth of seedlings.

3.Mepiquat chloride

Mepiquat chloride (2) Mepiquat chloride1 mepiquat chloride3
Mepiquat chloride is a new type of plant growth regulator. Compared with Paclobutrazol and uniconazole, it is milder, non-irritating and has higher safety.
Mepiquat chloride can be applied at basically all stages of crops, even in the seedling and flowering stages when crops are very sensitive to drugs. Mepiquat chloride has basically no adverse side effects and is not prone to phytotoxicity. It can be said to be the safest on the market. Plant Growth Regulator.
Features: Mepiquat chloride has a high safety factor and a wide shelf life. However, although it has a growth control effect, its efficacy is short and weak, and its growth control effect is relatively poor. Especially for those crops that grow too vigorously, it is often needed. Use multiple times to achieve the desired results.

Chlormequat Chlormequat1
Chlormequat is also a plant growth regulator commonly used by farmers. It also contains Paclobutrazol. It can be used for spraying, soaking and dressing seeds. It has good effects on growth control, flower promotion, fruit promotion, lodging prevention, cold resistance, It has the effects of drought resistance, salt-alkali resistance and promoting ear yield.
Features: Different from Paclobutrazol, which is often used in the seedling stage and new growth stage, Chlormequat is mostly used in the flowering stage and fruit stage, and is often used on crops with short growth periods. However, improper use often causes crop shrinkage. In addition, Chlormequat can be used with urea and acidic fertilizers, but cannot be mixed with alkaline fertilizers. It is suitable for plots with sufficient fertility and good growth. It should not be used for plots with poor fertility and weak growth.