Kasugamycin · Copper Quinoline: Why has it become a market hotspot?

Kasugamycin: double killing of fungi and bacteria


Kasugamycin is an antibiotic product that affects protein synthesis by interfering with the esterase system of amino acid metabolism, inhibits mycelium elongation and causes cell granulation, but has no effect on spore germination. It is a low-residue, pollution-free Environmentally friendly green biological pesticides. Kasugamycin was first used on rice blast. With the popularization and application, kasugamycin has been widely used in citrus, vegetables and other crops at present, which can prevent early blight of celery, citrus gummosis, tomato leaf mold various fungal and bacterial diseases, such as cucumber bacterial angular spot, potato ring rot, Chinese cabbage soft rot, etc.

Kasugamycin has strong systemic and penetrating properties. After spraying, it can be quickly absorbed by plants and conducted in plants. Make the leaves of melons dark green after application and prolong the harvest period.


Copper quinoline: one of the safest copper preparations


Quinoline copper is a chelated organocopper fungicide, which has multiple action points for killing germs, and the germs will not develop resistance after repeated use. It has high-efficiency prevention and treatment effects on diseases that have developed resistance to conventional fungicides. Therefore, it has become a fungicide product widely used by farmers.

Copper quinoline has an excellent effect on disease prevention, and can be used for grape downy mildew, citrus canker, melon bacterial angular spot, apple ring spot, tomato late blight, pepper blight, vegetable soft rot, bacterial wilt and Ulcers etc. Copper quinoline can not only prevent diseases, but also improve the quality of fruits and vegetables, making the fruits more beautiful and the leaves thicker.


Advantages of Kasugamycin + Copper Quinoline


1. High security. Quinoline copper releases copper ions slowly and stably, and the release rate is not affected by the environment. It is one of the safest copper preparations. Under the recommended concentration and conditions, it is relatively safe for sensitive periods such as young leaves and young fruits, and relatively safe and effective for sensitive crops such as peaches, plums, and apricots. After years of technical improvement and upgrading, the domestic kasugamycin has been greatly improved in terms of safety and efficacy.

2. Wide range of sterilization. After the two are mixed, it can kill both fungi and bacteria, especially for bacterial diseases, the effect is very significant, and it is used in fruit trees, vegetables, and field crops. It has a good control effect on crop rust, powdery mildew, white rot, gray mold, downy mildew, black pox, canker, scab, gummosis, blight and other diseases.

3. Longer duration. After copper quinoline is applied to the surface of crops, it can quickly form a drug film, and the chelated copper ions are released gradually, which can prevent the invasion of germs for a long time. Kasugamycin has strong systemic and penetrative properties. After the liquid is sprayed, it is quickly absorbed by the plants and conducted in the plants. It can effectively inhibit the growth and development of mycelium and play the role of quick-acting + sustained-acting.

4. With multiple mechanisms of action, it is not easy to produce drug resistance. Because of the special bactericidal mechanism (multi-site bactericidal) of copper preparations, it is not easy to develop resistance.