Cyantraniliprole vs Chlorantraniliprole

Both Cyantraniliprole and Chlorantraniliprole are insecticides that belong to the anthranilic diamide class of chemicals, which are highly effective at controlling a broad spectrum of pests. While these two insecticides share similarities in their chemical structure and mode of action, they differ in terms of their specific uses, effectiveness, and other characteristics. In this comparison, we will explore the key differences and similarities between Cyantraniliprole and Chlorantraniliprole, helping you choose the right product for your pest control needs.


Active Ingredient: Cyantraniliprole is a relatively newer insecticide in the anthranilic diamide class. It is effective against a wide range of pests, particularly those that affect fruit crops, vegetables, and turf.

Mode of Action: Cyantraniliprole works by targeting the ryanodine receptors in insect muscles, causing the release of calcium ions and ultimately leading to muscle paralysis and death in the pest. This mode of action is highly selective for insects, which makes it safer for non-target organisms such as mammals and birds.

Primary Uses:

  • Agriculture: Used to control rootworms, leafminers, thrips, cutworms, and caterpillars on crops like corn, soybeans, citrus, and potatoes.
  • Turf and Ornamentals: Applied in lawns, golf courses, and ornamental plants to control grubs, chinch bugs, and other soil-borne pests.
  • Vegetables and Fruit Crops: Effective on various pests that damage tomatoes, peppers, apples, and grapes.

Effectiveness: Cyantraniliprole is highly effective against a range of soil-borne pests and foliar pests. Its systemic action makes it effective even against pests that hide within the soil or beneath the surface of plant tissues.


Active Ingredient: Chlorantraniliprole is another member of the anthranilic diamide family, and it is widely used for pest control in various agricultural and residential settings.

Mode of Action: Similar to Cyantraniliprole, Chlorantraniliprole works by binding to ryanodine receptors in insects, disrupting calcium ion regulation within muscle cells, leading to paralysis and death of the insect. This action is highly specific to insects, minimizing the risk to mammals, birds, and other non-target species.

Primary Uses:

  • Agriculture: Widely used on row crops like corn, soybeans, cotton, and vegetable crops such as tomatoes and peppers. It targets pests like lepidopteran larvae, rootworms, and weevils.
  • Forestry: Applied to control pests in forestry operations, particularly pine beetles and other wood-boring insects.
  • Golf Courses and Turf: Used to manage grubs and other soil pests in turf management.

Effectiveness: Chlorantraniliprole is effective against a wide range of defoliating pests and root-feeding insects, including those that damage key crops like corn, cotton, and tomatoes.

Side-by-Side Comparison: Cyantraniliprole vs Chlorantraniliprole

Feature Cyantraniliprole Chlorantraniliprole
Chemical Class Anthranilic diamide Anthranilic diamide
Mode of Action Ryanodine receptor agonist, disrupts calcium ion regulation in muscles Ryanodine receptor agonist, disrupts calcium ion regulation in muscles
Target Pests Rootworms, leafminers, thrips, caterpillars, cutworms Lepidopteran larvae, rootworms, weevils, pine beetles
Primary Use Agriculture (fruit crops, vegetables, turf), ornamentals Agriculture (row crops, vegetables), forestry
Systemic Action Yes, absorbed by plants and effective against soil and foliar pests Yes, systemic activity for long-lasting control
Effectiveness Effective against soil-borne and foliar pests Highly effective for defoliating pests and root-feeding insects
Crop Suitability Tomatoes, peppers, corn, potatoes, citrus Corn, soybeans, cotton, tomatoes, peppers
Toxicity to Non-Target Organisms Low toxicity to mammals, birds, and beneficial insects Low toxicity to mammals, birds, and beneficial insects
Environmental Impact Safe for most non-target organisms, but can be toxic to aquatic life Safe for most non-target organisms, careful use near water sources
Residual Activity Moderate to long-lasting residual effects Long-lasting residual control, particularly in soil pests

Key Differences Between Cyantraniliprole and Chlorantraniliprole

  1. Target Pests:
    • Cyantraniliprole is particularly effective against soil-borne pests like rootworms and cutworms as well as foliar pests such as thrips and caterpillars. It is also highly effective in managing pests that affect vegetables, fruit crops, and turf.
    • Chlorantraniliprole, on the other hand, is particularly effective against defoliating pests like lepidopteran larvae, including corn earworm, armyworms, and tomato hornworms. It is also effective against rootworms and weevils in row crops and forestry pests.
  2. Crop Suitability:
    • Cyantraniliprole is widely used on vegetable crops, citrus, potatoes, and turf. It is a preferred choice for managing pests in home gardens and small-scale farming.
    • Chlorantraniliprole is more commonly used in commercial farming operations, particularly for corn, soybeans, cotton, and forestry applications.
  3. Environmental Impact:
    • Both Cyantraniliprole and Chlorantraniliprole are generally safe for mammals, birds, and other non-target species when used according to manufacturer guidelines. However, both insecticides can be toxic to aquatic life, and caution should be taken when applying near water bodies.
  4. Persistence:
    • Cyantraniliprole offers moderate to long-lasting control, making it suitable for longer pest control in both soil and foliar applications.
    • Chlorantraniliprole provides long-lasting residual control, especially for pests like rootworms and defoliators in agricultural crops and forests.
  5. Systemic Action:
    • Both products are systemic, meaning they are absorbed by plants and provide protection against pests that either feed on the plant or are present in the soil. This makes them highly effective in managing pests over an extended period.

Applications and Recommendations

  • Cyantraniliprole is ideal for homeowners and small-scale farmers who are looking to control pests in their gardens or turf, such as grubs, cutworms, and thrips. Its versatility in vegetable crops and fruit trees makes it a go-to choice for those growing crops like tomatoes and potatoes.
  • Chlorantraniliprole is a great option for commercial growers, especially those managing corn, soybeans, cotton, and tomatoes. It is also widely used in forestry pest management, particularly for targeting wood-boring insects like pine beetles.


Both Cyantraniliprole and Chlorantraniliprole are highly effective anthranilic diamide insecticides, designed to provide control over a wide range of agricultural pests. However, the choice between these two products will depend on the specific pests you are targeting, the type of crops you are growing, and the environmental conditions where they will be applied.

For businesses and farms that require tailored insecticide solutions, we provide custom formulations, packaging, and labeling services to meet your specific needs. Contact us today to learn more about our offerings and how we can support your pest management goals.

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Chlorantraniliprole vs Imidacloprid Insecticides
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