Clethodim Herbicide: Will clethodim kill chicory?

Clethodim is a selective herbicide that is specifically designed to target grass weeds. It belongs to the aryloxyphenoxypropionate (APP) class of herbicides and works by disrupting the fatty acid synthesis in grasses, ultimately leading to their death. However, clethodim is not effective against broadleaf plants, such as chicory.

Does Clethodim Kill Chicory?

No, clethodim will not kill chicory. Chicory is a broadleaf plant, and clethodim is a grass-specific herbicide. This means it will target and kill grass weeds but will not affect broadleaf species like chicory. So, if you’re growing chicory and want to control grassy weeds in the area, clethodim is a safe option that won’t harm your chicory plants.

How Clethodim Affects Different Plants

  • Effective Against Grass Weeds: Clethodim works on grass species like crabgrass, foxtail, barnyardgrass, and ryegrass, making it an excellent tool for grass weed control.
  • Ineffective on Broadleaf Weeds: Since chicory is a broadleaf plant, it remains unaffected by clethodim, even when the herbicide is applied in the same field.

Using Clethodim for Weed Control Around Chicory

If you’re growing chicory and want to control grass weeds around it, clethodim is a great option. You can apply clethodim to eliminate the grass competition without harming your chicory crop. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  1. Targeting Grass Weeds: Clethodim will only affect grass weeds, so it’s ideal for clearing grasses from a chicory plot.

  2. Application Timing: The best time to apply clethodim is during the active growth phase of the grass weeds. Avoid applying during unfavorable weather conditions.

  3. Avoiding Drift: While clethodim won’t harm chicory directly, it’s important to avoid spraying it directly onto the chicory plants or allowing the herbicide to drift onto them during application.

Alternative Herbicides for Broadleaf Weed Control in Chicory

If you’re dealing with broadleaf weeds in your chicory plot, you may need to use a different herbicide. Broadleaf herbicides such as 2,4-D or dicamba can be used to target weeds like dandelions, plantain, and clover, which might compete with chicory. Always check the herbicide label to ensure it is safe for use with chicory.


To sum up, clethodim will not kill chicory since it is a broadleaf plant and clethodim is a selective herbicide targeting grasses. If you’re managing grass competition in a chicory plot, clethodim is a safe and effective solution. However, for broadleaf weeds, you’ll need a different herbicide to manage those unwanted plants.